• Keep Your Mind & Body Strong!

    Welcome to EVOLVE WITH AYESHA Transformations.

    I am thrilled to see you and your search for weight loss ends here. 
    I am looking for busy people who are seriously looking for a body transformation.
  • Let's Get Fit!

     It is my passion to get people results without strict dieting, calorie counting or many hours in the gym. 
    Our online programs can easily be followed by anyone anywhere. But here's the thing...

    I could lose 15 kg of body fat because I decided to start. So go ahead, take your first step by applying, and I am with you to help you achieve your weight loss goal. I promise!


It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world.


Though the gravity still dragged at him, his muscles were making great efforts to adjust. After the daily classes.


Truly it was a great journey, and in it I met with many, whom to know was to love; but whom never could I see again.

Weight Management

Weight Loss | Gain | Maintain

Total Fitness

Digestive | Joint | Heart

Children Health

Nutrition | Health

Immunity Boost

Better Immunity | Energy | Strength

Start Herbalife Diet Plans

Herbalife Nutrition has a varied range of products that complement your daily nutrition, help to maintain your overall health, and facilitate you to achieve your nutrition goals. 

Start your day with a range of flavoured and high-quality shakes that blend the right amount of protein, carbohydrate and other essential micronutrients or refresh your body and mind.

Feel Free Book an Appointment!

Call Us : +919699999370 or fill out our online

booking & enquiry form and we’ll contact you